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Saturday, April 24, 2010

A Look At The Years of Celebrities Wearing Jewelry

As far back as one can remember famous celebrities have been act the adornment made by famous adornment designers. Through out many eras and many styles the celebrities and adornment designers have held a close bond. Who better to display your bonny pieces than a bonny celebrity that has already captured the audiences attention.

Elizabeth Taylor will always be remembered for her exciting and bonny look. I cannot remember any time that I have seen Elizabeth without her jewels to grace her.

This was a lady with a fashion style like no other. From gorgeous pearls adorning her face to bonny diamonds adorning her neck. She knew how to make a fashion statement!

Ava gatherer was a woman with a exciting fashion style that did not go unnoticed. Whether she choose to wear her best diamond earrings or her favorite Trifari necklace she always looked spectacular. There are many of us who could pick up a few tips from Ava’s flare!

Joan Crawfard and Joan Collins are another two that simply can’t be outdone. One must wonder how a women so easily learns to be that refined and bonny at all times. Like Cleopatra it seems to be bred deep within the soul.

Let us not forget about royalty. Although not perhaps celebrities as we think of them still important figure heads that are within the public eye.

How about the gorgeous jewels of the Duchess of metropolis or Umbero II of Italy. Then there was Princess Mary of Great Britain who was seldom seen without her adornment adornments.

To more modern times, what about that bonny engagement ring that Camela Parker Bowls was seen wearing. An outstanding example of adornment on a women that quite commonly presents herself in a very traditional refined style. No beauty here except for that modify dead gorgeous ring!

Whether we are talking about Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Kate Winslet, Kate Hudson, or Katie Holmes celebrities give us the opportunity to see adornment designs in play. They instantly help develop a desire for a destined adornment example or look.

We’ve got plenty we can learn from the styles of celebrities. And once these designer adornment pieces grab hold it isn’t long before someone is making a similar example that our pocket books can afford.

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